1 Ensure you have a Macintosh running at least System 7.5 with Quicktime 2.5.
2 If you do not already have them, put the QTVR 2.0 Extensions into your System Folder.
3 Yes, you have to Restart to use the new Extensions.
4 Play the Quicktime VR and Enjoy!
Camden Lock Tour
Quicktime VR, now teeming with people!
This is a 9 Node Quicktime VR version 2.0, providing a thorough tour of the area and, unusually for QTVR, thronging with people. So now you can go to the pub, spectate from the bridges, go deep into the market and get lost in the crowds! It is available in 2 versions: An Internet version of 1Mb, available on my website, and this fabulous full screen version of 6Mb.
Photographed, stitched and assembled in Camden, London NW1 September 1997
Golden Infra-Gate Bridge
Quicktime VR, you choose where you look!
This is a dual resolution 3 Node Quicktime VR version 2.0, made on monochrome Infra Red Film and tinted in Photoshop. Moody! It is available in 2 versions: A small Internet and floppy version of only 140k and this dual resolution version of 1.8Mb.
Photographed in San Francisco 5th July 1997, stitched and assembled in London 2nd August 1997 by Douglas Cape.
To Play Quicktime VR 2.0
Quicktime VR 2.0 is right here right now!
To view Camden Lock Tour you currently need a Macintosh running System 7.5 and Quicktime 2.5 or later installed on your computer. Then place the Quicktime VR 2.01 extensions in your system folder and restart. The files will run more smoothly from your hard disk, with virtual memory and other applications off, and you should use at least thousands of colours. Movie Player which comes with Quicktime 2.5 is the recommended application to view QTVR. The movies look great if you use the Present Movie (M) Command under the File Menu in Movie Player. QuicktimeVR 2.0 will work only on the Macintosh OS until Quicktime V3.0 for Windows is made available in late 1997, when you will be able to play these flattened files on a PC. For Apple QuicktimeVR Software on the internet go to http://qtvr.quicktime.apple.com
To use simply open and play - hold down the mouse and move it to rotate the subject, click on the hotspots to move elsewhere.
In Panorama QTVR 2.0 movies you can zoom in and out using the shift and control keys, and the hot spots to move to another space are now named and can be highlighted, plus more!..
To see examples of my Quicktime VR Object Movie work such as Adidas Predator, Linhof Technika Camera and Patek Philippe Watch please go to the QTVR page on my Website:
The Photographer
Quicktime VR and people say WoW!
I have been working with Quicktime VR since its introduction in 1995 and have completed projects for Adidas, Patek Phillippe, the RCA and Leagas Delaney. This QTVR work includes multi-node panoramic tours of a museum and a factory, a custom built computer controlled object rig and the use of digital cameras and Photo CD. As with the enclosed example, I prefer to follow the work through from photography to stitching, assembling and final production which might be for the Internet, CD Rom or integration into a Director Project.
I have been a photographer since the early 80's, which have taken me from the music press and theatre to annual reports and catalogue work, on formats from 35mm to 5x4. QTVR Object movies, still-life work and portraiture are carried out at my 400 sq. ft. studio in Kingsgate Workshops, West Hampstead, London. In my personal work, which is viewable online at http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~cape/, I am interested in black and white printing techniques and regularly use infra-red film and a variety of home-made toners. I have been involved with multimedia involving video, computers and projections for many years.
Please do telephone 0171 267 5839 or email cape@dircon.co.uk for more information.